Uddhita Parshwakonasana helps a dancer to perfect ardhasuchi or ardhamandala posture
Ardhamandala is the fundamental posture of Bharatanatyam. Achieving precision in this posture is one of the prerequisites of a good nrutha. Beginners always find it difficult to assume the basic posture of ardhamandala. Uddhita Parshwakonasana helps a dancer to perfect ardhamandala posture.
Uddhita means raised, Parshwa means side and konas is angle.
The main muscle that is responsible for this difficulty is the Adductor Longus muscle. When the thigh is abducted drawing away from the centre of the median line, the tendon of this muscle becomes prominent and palpable. This posture helps to improve the flexibility of both the hip joint and the knee joints.
How to do it?
Stand in the Thadasana posture. Widen the legs keeping the feet around four feet apart, simultaneously raising the stretched hands to a horizontal position. Inhale during this movement. While exhaling, turn to the right, flex both the right hip joint and the right knee. Place the right palm on the floor, keeping the left arm still stretched facing the right side. Take five breaths in this position. Return to the Thadasana while inhaling. Repeat on the left side.
This asana will also benefits all the mandi adavus, preritha (one of the mandalas), charkadavu (jaaradavu/sarikal/sarukkal), pakkadavus and sarikkaladavu (mardhithaadavu).
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