Nature inspires artists. On World Environment Day, we feature a handful of artists whose passion for the planet extends beyond their personal lives and into their professional work. These dedicated advocates use their talents to spotlight the urgent need for environmental conservation. Through their creativity, they inspire action, raise awareness, and foster a deeper connection between humanity and nature.

Naren Hansda: Cultivating Forests, Empowering Communities

Naren Hansda, a Santali folk singer, initiated an ambitious afforestation campaign in 2012. The project enlisted the help of orphaned children and aimed to restore the natural ecosystem of the Ayodhya Hills in Southern Bengal. Today, over 130 children, including 30 orphans, are participating in a special afforestation drive. It’s amazing to see so many young people coming together to make a positive impact on the environment.

In 2013, Naren Hansda established the Sido Kanhu Mission School, which offers free education to students. Apart from formal education, vocational training in music and performing arts is also provided to develop the skills of local boys and girls so that they can earn a livelihood in the future. Hansda passionately showcases his musical talents through live performances on the bustling streets of nearby towns, aiming to collect funds for his school and to support orphaned children in need.

Naren’s team has successfully transformed three hectares of barren land into a thriving forest. They have carefully planted a variety of native tree species such as peepul, sal, teak, banyan, alma, and sayali. The school under his guidance provides free education to 130 students through the dedication of seven teachers. Naren Hansda has made a significant impact in environmental activism, focusing on safeguarding the rights of indigenous communities in India.

His work includes diverse initiatives dedicated to preserving natural resources and advocating for sustainable practices. Hansda has always been a strong and outspoken supporter of the rights of indigenous communities. He emphasizes the crucial need to preserve their traditional knowledge and practices.

Among native farmers, he has been an advocate for the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, endorsing techniques that preserve soil health and biodiversity. His tireless dedication to promoting both environmental sustainability and social justice has been recognized through numerous prestigious awards, underscoring the impact of his contributions. Hansda has been widely acclaimed by numerous organizations and institutions committed to promoting environmental and social causes, in recognition of his outstanding contributions. He has over 100 folk songs in his collection and now lends his voice for a purpose.

Jayashree Chakravarty: Painting the Unity of Nature and Humanity

Jayashree Chakravarty, a Kolkata-based artist, employs her canvas to represent the interconnectedness of all life forms and the urgent need for environmental stewardship. Influenced deeply by the lush landscapes of Northeast India, particularly her experiences in Tripura, where she nurtured a deep bond with nature from a young age, Chakravarty explores themes of ecological deterioration, displacement, and the symbiotic relationship between nature and mankind. In a world increasingly focused on economic growth at the expense of ecological sustainability, Chakravarty’s art serves as a strong reminder of the importance of coexistence.

Her series, such as “Earth as Haven: Under the Canopy of Love,” utilizes organic materials to create expansive installations that portray the intricate interconnectedness of life and emphasize the permanent bond between the Earth and all living beings. These installations, reminiscent of natural habitats, invite viewers to immerse themselves in the environment, experiencing its delicate balance of beauty and vulnerability firsthand.

In her paintings, Chakravarty frequently portrays lush forests, flowing rivers, and the cyclical rhythms of nature, symbolizing the timeless connection between the Earth and all life forms. Drawing inspiration from the natural world, Chakravarty aims to instill a sense of responsibility towards nature in her audience. Her recent exhibition, “A Wired Ecology,” featured a large-scale immersive installation titled “Nest of the Land,” alongside her latest body of work, which further explores the themes of nature and ecology by delving into the concept of nest-like inhabitant spaces.

Ricky Kej: Amplifying Environmental Awareness Through Music

Three-time Grammy Award-winning composer and staunch environmentalist Ricky Kej has emerged as a prominent voice in environmental awareness through his music. The US-born Bengaluru-based artist has been using music to address environmental issues, especially climate change, for years. He has created multiple songs and albums with other musicians from around the world, raising awareness about environmental issues through works like ‘My Earth,’ ‘Breathe Life,’ ‘Divine Tides,’ ‘Shanti Samsara,’ and ‘Winds of Samsara.’

His album My Earth Songs, aimed at children, consists of 27 songs, each based on a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal. The album seeks to create awareness among the younger generation and inspire them to make a positive impact on their lives and the lives of those around them. Kej believes that any genre of music can be used to speak about the environment, whether it’s pop, folk, Indian classical, or even heavy metal. “It’s just how I express myself,” he says.

His compositions intricately weave together melodies and messages advocating for sustainability and conservation. Kej works closely with several wings of the United Nations. As a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador (UNCCD), he uses his celebrity status to raise awareness on issues such as land degradation, desertification, and drought. Notably, he has composed the official “Land Anthem” for the UNCCD and is a passionate advocate for their “Her Land, Her Rights” campaign, which champions gender equality and women’s land rights.

Through his innovative compositions and unwavering commitment to environmental activism, Ricky Kej continues to leave an indelible mark on the world, igniting passion and urgency in the hearts of individuals worldwide to protect and preserve our precious natural resources for generations to come.

Himadri Madan: Using Art to Spotlight Climate Change

Himadri Madan, a UK-based Indian classical dancer, is using her art to raise awareness about climate change. Trained in Bharatnatyam and Kathak at the Natya Institute of Kathak and Choreography in Bengaluru, Madan’s journey began with a childhood passion for Bollywood. Starting her dance training at the age of four, she has since expanded her repertoire to include Kathak and jazz, offering audiences a diverse and captivating experience.

Recently, Madan choreographed and performed ‘The Ticking Clock,’ a piece focused on climate change, as part of Theiya Arts Dance Collective’s productions at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and the Edinburgh Multicultural Festival in 2022. The performance, featuring the Climate Clock as its centerpiece, highlights the urgency of addressing climate change through a captivating visual narrative.

Madan believes that art serves as a powerful tool for reaching diverse audiences, offering a more accessible means of understanding complex issues compared to traditional academic literature. By integrating the message of climate change into her performances, she aims to elevate and enlighten audiences while fostering a deeper connection to the planet’s well-being.

Rashmimala: Exploring the Harmonies of Nature

On Environment Day, the evocative art of Rashmimala highlights the delicate relationship between humans and nature. Hailing from Assam, her formative years amidst the diverse landscapes of her homeland instilled in her a profound respect for nature. This connection serves as a cornerstone of her artistic vision, propelling her to delve into themes of environmental degradation, sustainability, and the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature.

Driven by a deep concern for the environment, Rashmimala often utilizes natural materials such as leaves, twigs, and recycled paper in her artwork. Through intricate, multi-layered compositions, she skillfully captures the textures and forms of the natural landscape. Rashmimala’s work confronts critical environmental issues, including deforestation, climate change, and pollution. In her series “Nature’s Echoes,” she employs organic materials to construct large-scale installations that recreate natural habitats.

These pieces serve to underscore the delicate balance of ecosystems and the profound impact of human activities upon them. Notably, “Whispers of the Forest” stands as a poignant reminder of the rampant deforestation threatening biodiversity, while “Oceans in Peril” vividly depicts the devastating effects of marine pollution, utilizing recycled plastics and ocean debris.

Through her art, Rashmimala not only raises awareness of environmental challenges but also prompts reflection and action towards sustainable practices. Her work serves as a testament to the interconnectedness of all life forms and the urgent need for environmental stewardship in our modern world.

Compiled by Meera K H and Nanda N


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