In this part of the series, MT: Malayalam’s Talisman, we dissect three films Valarthumrugangal, Thrishna and Aaroodam. Valarthumrugangal (Domesticated Animals) (1981) Cast: Sukumaran, Madhavi, Balan K…
Browsing: Circus
What did the artistes do when the audience disapproved of the integration of theatre and circus on stage? In December 2011, we hosted the premier show…
Why audience in the show and the performing art on the stage need to build a connection.
How the combined theatre and circus productions started drawing audiences.
Innovative acts and external recognition through accolades could help catapult the circus industry to newer heights Circus is not only a medium of entertainment but also…
The regulatory authorities and the industry are yet to reinvent the circus acts reeling from the wake of disrepute for using child labour and training animals in an unsuitable environment.
The circus tent is a mini village full of stories, myth and realistic fiction.
The architecture of the circus ring, an unwritten script and how it is used to narrate a story.
While theatre enjoyed both a political discussion and social relevance, circus suffered from exploitation and problems of poverty.