How to perform Jakkathathithakkadhimi Adavus?.
In the last few series we were discussing the Jaganam set of adavus. We discussed the first six set of Jaganam advus in detail and how to perform each one of them. Here we are discussing the next set of Jakkathathithakkadhimi adavus that falls in the Jaganam set of adavus.
Adavu – 1 (Chollu)
X JA | 1 KKA | 2 THA | 3 THI | X THA | V KKA | X DHI | V MI |

Commence the adavu by standing in aramandalam with left arm held in dolam towards the left side of the body and right arm bent in muzhuvrittam in hamsasya hastha mudra in front of the chest. Start the movement on ‘Ja’ by releasing the aramandalam and gently rising on the toes while extending the right arm out to the left side of the body (near the arm held in dolam) in ardhachandran as shown in the image. For ‘Ga’ Stamp the right foot down into an aramandalam and move the right arm slightly above earlier position, this time changing the hastha mudra to hamsasya.
The arm moves in a circular manner from left to right. Next, step the left foot behind the right for ‘Tha’ and change the mudra to ardhachandran moving it above the earlier held position. Continue to alternate the hastha mudra and feet till the chollu ‘Ka’. For ‘Dhi’ place the right foot on its toe behind the left and then for ‘Mi’ place it back next to the left foot into aramandalam. At this time the wrist rotates from an ardhachandran to hamsasyam in front of the chest. Repeat the same to the left side.
Adauv – 2
X JA | 1 KKA | 2 THA | 3 THI | X THA | V KKA | X DHI | V MI |

Commence the adavu by standing in aramandalam with arms bent in muzhuvrittam using the Hamsasya hastha mudra in front of the chest. Start the movement on ‘Ja’ by releasing the aramandalam and gently rising on the toes while extending both arms out to the left side of the body in ardhachandran as shown in the image. For ‘Ga’ stamp the right foot down into aramandalam and move the arms slightly above earlier position, this time changing the hastha mudra to hamsasya. The arms move in a circular manner from left to right. Next, step the left foot behind the right for ‘Tha’ and change the mudra to ardhachandran moving it above the earlier held position. Continue to alternate the hastha mudra and feet till the chollu ‘Ka’. For ‘Dhi’ place the right foot on its toes behind the left and then for ‘Mi’ place it back next to the left foot into aramandalam. At this time both the wrists rotate from an ardhachandran to hamsasyam in front of the chest. Repeat the same to the left side.
Adavu – 3
X JA | 1 KKA | 2 THA | 3 THI | X THA | V KKA | X DHI | V MI |

Start the adavu by standing in aramandalam with dola hastha as shown in image. For ‘Ja’, bend knees deeply and then extend to rise on toes. At this time the arms are bent in front of the chest in Ardhachandran mudra facing upwards. For ‘Ga’ Stamp the right foot down flat and, hinging from the elbow, start to move the hands up to the shoulder level.
For ‘Tha’ step the left foot behind the right on its toes. Continue to move towards the right alternating between both feet whilst the arms move fluidly outwards in a circular manner till they end in dolam on ‘Dhi Mi’. The final position of this adavu ends in aramandalam. Repeat to the other side. Movement is done in a diagonal path.
Assisted by Sreekanth Janardhanan
Photo Courtesy: Natanakairali Archives
Artist: Bindu Rajendran
Video Clipping: Mohiniyattam Artists Anju Peter (Adavu – 1 & 2), Ameena Shanavas (Adavu – 3).
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