Noted Mohiniyattam dancer, guru and choreographer Kalamanadalam Sugandhi Prabhu won the prestigious Shadkala Govinda Marar Award for the year 2021. Instituted in memory of the Sopana Musician Shadkala Govinda Marar by the Shadkala Govinda Marar Smaraka Samithy, the award carries a cash prize of Rs 25000, a citation and a memento.
Sugandhi, a popular Mohiniyattam guru who has a vast network of disciples to her credit, is, interestingly, known for her gurus as well, such as Kalamandalam Sathyabhama, Kalamandalam Chandrika, ARR Bhaskara Rao, Kalamandalam Kalayanikutty Amma and Dr. Padma Subramaniam.
For over five decades, the dancer has been an integral part of Kerala’s Mohiniyattam landscape, performing shows, nurturing talents, researching the history of the art form and organising events.
The selection panel comprised of Prof G S Paul, veteran art critic and president of the Kala samithy and Dr. K G Paulose, the first Vice chancellor of Kerala kalamandalam Deemed University. Kalamandalam Vice Chancellor Dr. T K Narayanan will present the award to Sungandhi on March 26 on the sidelines of Shadkala Govinda Smaraka Smriti Maholtsavam that will be held from March 25-27 at Ramamangalam, the birthplace of Govinda Marar.
Excellent 👌
Thanks Narayanan sir.