Codified hand gestures, called Mudra-s, are integral part of Indian classical dance and even erodes into contemporary forms.
Author: Nirmala Paniker
In the last part of this series, we explained a few viniyogas of Mushti and Hamsapaksha mudras. Here we are explaining some more viniyogas of Mushti mudra.
Hasthabhinaya, or ‘Expression of the Hand’ and the rules of acting with the hand implies story telling with the hands. As we mentioned earlier, the hand…
We explained many popular mudras, their notations and how they are used in various situations in Mohiniyattam. Continuing that, in this part, we are exploring more…
In the last few parts of this series, we explained various single handed gestures. Here we are going to explore how the Kataka, again another single…
We discussed some of the Asamyutha Mudras(Single hand gestures) in the last part of this series. Here we are discussing gestures with two hands and their notations. Kataka…
Where do we use single hand gestures in Mohiniyattam?
Asamutha hastam mudras and notations explained in detail. In our last article we completed usages of Mudrakhyam Samyutha Hastam. In this article we are going to…
How do we notate dance mudras like straight, sacred thread and death? We discussed the importance of Mudrakhya and a few usages of Mudrakhya along with…
Why is Mudrakhyam important in Mohinyattam?